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After years of marketing her own books, plus consulting with over a hundred authors on their marketing efforts, Malorie knows what it takes to get your book in front of readers. 

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Malorie Cooper writes fiction under M. D. Cooper with over 100 books to her name.

Sign up for this Limited-Access Mentorship today!

Marketing Edition




💥How to do market research in order to highlight key tropes

💥The skills to master blurb writing and learn how to write ad copy that draws in readers

💥Everything Malorie knows about Facebook ads!

💥The secrets behind advanced audience building on various marketing platforms

💥How to effectively run AMS ads that deliver results

💥What it takes to run good Bookbub ads

💥How to choose which ad platform to focus on!

💥The steps and tools required to make a good video ad

💥How search works and how your title, blurb, keywords, and categories affect your placement on the retailer sites.

💥How to set your price, choose whether or not to be in Kindle Unlimited, if you should use preorders, how often you should release and SO MUCH MORE!

Malorie will enhance your skills with strategies that will allow you to reach more readers

Do you believe you are your genre's next big seller?

Are you ready to achieve your goals?

We're here give you the tools to climb that mountain.

Wait... does that say "we"?

That's right. You don't just get Malorie teaching you how to market like a boss. You're also going to have USA Today Bestselling author, Jill Cooper, on your team as well!

Create a marketing plan with Malorie and Jill by your side, giving you guidance and advice along the way so you can achieve your goals in book sales.


Create ads with expert know-how so when you get stuck, or aren't sure what to do, they will be there to answer your questions! Not sure how or when to scale up? Malorie will help you each step of the way.

Now you'll learn how Mal tackles these problems head on and you'll be confident enough to do it yourself. Learn to read the reports and what they are telling you you need to do.

Then learn how to do what's next.

This is the holy grail of indie mentorship no matter what your financial goals are! Part-time or full-time, we'll create an easy to follow plan you can replicate for your backmatter and releases for years to come.


ALL of the advertising classes that Jill and Malorie teach with practical application ARE HERE as you go through the steps in real-time.

With guidance and feedback. Get answers to all of your burning questions as though you are Malorie's only client.

It's a ring-side seat next to a New York Times bestselling author. Learn what she knows and get ready to nail it and discover how easy it is to make profit from your marketing efforts.

This is the kind of knowledge you can't put a price tag on.

Keyboard and Mouse

Being an Indie Author  Can Be Daunting

What would it be worth to have someone hold your hand and guide you on your journey?

That's where this mentorship comes in.

Mal and Jill have written a lot of ads and done a lot of marketing.  


Back when we first started, ads were simple. Now consumers are more savvy and we need to be, too. From long form, to story form, to short and sweet, we've done it all. From boxsets, to audiobooks, to building brand awareness. There's dozens of marketing avenues you can use to achieve your goals.


Here's more of the good stuff you'll learn

You'll learn:

  • How to identify the niche/tropes you should focus on in your marketing & Ads (hint: play to your strengths).

  • How to get your potentials readers to emotionally connect with your main character in a short ad.

  • Targeting and how to create next level audiences.

  • How to find y6our baseline sales and track how effective your ads are being.

  • Learn tips and tricks from industry pros on how to keep words flowing from your imagination to the page.

  • Using the Facebook Pixel, and how to use it in new and creative ways.

  • It isn't just about Facebook! Google, AMS, Bookbub. We will unlock the different systems you can use to your advantage!

  • Get critical 1-on-1 feedback from Mal.

  • Scaling.

  • Learn how to retarget from Google, to Facebook, and other creative ways to make sure the right people are seeing your target specific ads.

  • Using the reporting system and learn how to read it. Then learn how to tweak your ads based on the data you've learned!

  • So much more!

At the end of the eight weeks you will have a marketing plan that you've already implemented!

You will have finessed your marketing strategies and tweaked them based on actual results.

This is the Marketing and Advertising Holy Grail for Indie Authors!



That's in addition to the group coaching sessions
She'll even work with you to write one of your blurbs!


We're condensing years of learning (and mistakes) into a repeatable process you can use to build (or improve) your writing career. 

And we're doing it for only

(With single payment)


(Three monthly payments of $697)

Need help with checkout?

Have Questions?

Not sure? There's a lot more!

The steps and process are just the beginning.

Malorie Cooper will be reviewing your ads, giving you expert and PERSONAL advice, and leading the workshop with videos and Zoom calls!

And you keep access to the videos FOREVER
Jill & Mal will both be cheerleading the group and leading group Zoom meets to keep the energy positive and electric!

Don't worry, we're gentle.

Not only will you follow along, but you're going to get 1-on-1 consulting and expert advice from NYT and USAT bestselling authors. 

You'll also get group feedback, encouragement, and braining storming sessions to come up with new marketing ideas, techniques, and ways to come at ads in ways you've never thought of before.

What? You want even more?

You drive a hard bargain.

One last thing...
In order to do a good job and give you and your story the attention deserved,
we're limiting this mentorship mastermind to 15 people!

(Three monthly payments of $697)


Malorie Cooper has been a full time author since 2017 who has hit the NYT bestsellers list and has been a leader in the indie community, dispensing advice and information on Facebook Ads since 2016. 

Together with her wife Jill Cooper, they have written the ever popular Help! My Facebook Ads Suck book.

Mal has traveled the world speaking at author conventions where she puts on stellar talks that have people returning year after year to listen to her presentations on Facebook ads, finding audiences, writing blurbs, and so much more.

She has appeared at Inkers Con, 20Books Vegas 2017-2021, Orlando Reads, Space Coast Books, New England Speculative Fiction Authors, NINC, PAX East, PAX West, and this year at the Superstars Writing Seminars for the first time.

Jill Cooper has launched her own full time writing career while also running promos, ads, and launches for Malorie. Together they are the dynamic duo of the indie author community! They love helping authors, dispensing free advice, and cultivating a community in their FB Group the Writing Wives.

(Three monthly payments of $697)


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Malorie has spoken at: 
(and been invited back to)

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Ready to Learn the business Soup to Nuts?
Grab your ticket today! 

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227 Conant St, Danvers Ma 01923

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